Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I need an adventure

I need an adventure, and no, not the mundane day-to-day type of stuff that I try to pass off as “adventure”.  I’m talkin’ REAL adventure.

Exploring a foreign country, or even a city I’ve never been to would qualify.  Taking on a new project or learning a new craft might be fun.  Something...  Anything.

Truthfully, though, it wouldn’t even have to be grand, to be exciting to me… Driving in a snow storm, constitutes as “adventure” for me!

I look at my little boy and I see this zeal for everything.  If I want to get him to do something less than pleasant, I bribe him with adventure, excitement  or exploring and his interests are not only piqued, but I’ve got an angel on my hands for about ½ an hour’s worth of time.  I wonder at times if his overabundance of energy is, in part, fueled by his love of ‘adventure’.  Think about it.  It’s pretty hard to sleep the day away when you are on vacation and there is an amusement park ahead of you.  Better still, the beach, you may cozy up on the sand and THEN sleep the day away, but, you only sleep once you’ve gotten there.  Am I right?

After all, even the mundane stuff, can get me excited.  I could never annoyed at the prospect of going to the beauty supply store, even if it’s just to pick up some hairspray.  There is so much there, so much to see, so much to wonder “what does that do-hicky… Do?”.

Now, I’m no weirdo, there are just some places that just aren’t fun.  The DMV for example, is probably one of the closest places I can think of where death by bored may occur.  The only redeeming quality about the DMV is the people watching.

Today, I get the honor, of taking my 4 year old son to one of those “unfun” places… to be fitted for a tuxedo… for a wedding that he’s not all that keen on being in anyways.  He’s not going to enjoy this, I’m certainly not going to enjoy the whining, crying, and oh, the eighty bucks I’m going to have to plunk down.

I need an adventure, but this time, it’s not for me.  It’s for my boy.  So today, I think that I will plan some boy friendly adventures.  A little adventure before and a LOT after the fitting, to safe my sanity and his.

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