Friday, June 24, 2011

Workin’ hard or hardly workin’?

I’m sure every stay at home mom (or dad for that matter) has heard something similar in there child-raising, home-managing plight. I HATE the insinuation that I ‘did nothing all day long’. HATE IT!!!!

Now, I’ve had my share of jobs, where at times working 2 or 3 jobs at once, other times working 12-18 hour days at ONE job. I pride myself on my work ethic. In fact, the first person to stand up and call me lazy, will promptly get punched in the mouth… after which I will quickly go to work tending the wound and cleaning up the blood. (Ha ha) I don’t take breaks, I don’t sit around eating bon bons and I’m not even sure I could tell you the name of any soap opera that’s on the air.

I dare any ‘nay sayers’ out there to try any get any work done with two small children at their feet. I challenge them to keep any room in presentable, hell, even WALKABLE condition while a baby and a preschooler are around! It would certainly ware at anyone’s energies and certainly their patience… but the pay is good, right? RIGHT??!??

Sure, I’d rather earn a paycheck and go have a pedicure with my earnings, but instead, I mow the lawn, do the dishes, trim the trees, fold endless amounts of laundry, vacuum, cook, organize and pick up toys from sunrise to sunset, while two little boys run circles around me… and what do I get? Well, it’s certainly not appreciation… not voiced anyways. If it’s monetary, there must be some off shore account overflowing with funds… although, I’ve seen my husbands paychecks and let’s face it, it’s not likely.

Let me assure you that nanny and housekeeper are both paid positions in the ‘real world’, but I, my dear friends usually do it for a smack on the ass. (No, seriously!) I do it, not because I’m a glutton for punishment, but because I love my family. I do it because I am enjoying seeing my kids grow and because my husband works hard all day long too. And every time I feel the bubbling boil of anger rise within me at the implication of ‘doing nothing’ and I think I’m going to explode… one of those steamy bubbles pops and I realize that I am raising the good people of this world and helping my husband be the best he can for his job.
It’s all worth it in an abstract sort of way.

My payback will come when my son crawls up on my lap and says “Mommy, you read it the best!” and hands me yet another book and know, that YES, I DO read it BEST! Or when a friend enviously eyes my lawn and grumbles about how her hubby never puts forth the effort and grin to myself and think “Honey, if you only knew.” My payment will be the little moments and the little boosts of pride… for now, but I’m still holding out for diamonds and a Hawaiian vacation. ;)

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